
There’s nothing worse than having to go in person to an auto body shop after getting into an accident or a fender bender. It’s also no fun if you’re looking for a simple paint job or a fresh-looking vehicle wrap. The best favor you can do for yourself is to look for an estimate online.

Whether your ride needs a simple cosmetic repair, has some damage, or has been in an accident or collision, obtaining repair estimates is a crucial first step in the process of getting back on the road. Here are some key advantages of getting an estimate online:

It’s Convenient

With the option of requesting an estimate online, you avoid the inconvenience and driving time to various body shops to acquire an estimate for your damaged vehicle.

It’s Easy

Uploading photos of your vehicle damage allows the shops to provide you with an accurate estimate.

It’s Free

The best part about getting an online estimate is the time you save with not driving around to receive free estimates. You’ll also avoid any uncomfortable sales pitches.

There’s a Quick Turn-Around Time

Once you click the “submit” button, your estimate details will be reviewed by an auto body shop within one business day (and often the same day).

There are other factors to consider when contemplating on whether or not to get an estimate online. Some of the reasoning is just common sense.

Technology Produces Quality Outcomes

Getting estimates online is the present-day dynamic solution to getting work done on your car, and it’s the new wave of the future. According to CCC technology solutions, the leading software for automotive claims management, collision repair, and insurance estimating services, there is an increasing demand for photo estimates and Ai-supported insurance claims. The demand has expanded at a record pace since May 2020.

CCC’s statistics show the rapid adoption of digital technology is in direct response to social distancing and work-from-home protocols initiated to combat COVID-19. The company’s industry data indicates the insurance industry recently surpassed 3 million estimates initiated leveraging photo technology, since tracking began in 2018.

Avoid Getting Ripped Off or Making a Bad Deal

We’ve all experienced that uncomfortable intuitive feeling that lets us know that something’s not right with an estimate. Unfortunately, some of us bite the bullet because we don’t want confrontation. Let this be the last day that you suppress a financial burden for the sake of someone else’s end-game. By using Carfixt and getting an estimate online, you can compare and contrast what price works for you within your budget.

Your pocket will thank you once you start researching shops online—especially if you’re a new driver or the parent of a new driver. Statistics show teen drivers are among the most likely to get into an auto accident. Data also shows that, per mile driven, teen drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 are three times more likely than drivers over the age of 20 to be in a severe auto accident. Teenagers likely have the least to spend when it comes to repair and collision, so you’ll want to shop around for different prices.

More recent research has also shown that women, in addition to young drivers, are vulnerable to unfair pricing when getting their cars fixed. One study found a gender difference between car owners requesting estimates. When customers seemed unsure about what repairs should cost, females were more often overcharged for auto work.

There are also other factors to consider when deciphering an estimate that most drivers don’t consider. For example, modern cars tend to have more advanced materials, components, and electronics, which are costly to repair and replace. Additionally, with the new surge in electric vehicle purchases, drivers are unaware that costs to repair electric vehicles are slightly more expensive than gas-powered vehicles. You don’t want to walk into a shop blind without knowing the price differences because you can seriously get taken advantage of with price gauging.

Additionally, the most disheartening issue when it comes to price is the way insurance companies handle collisions and repairs. Insurance companies tend to steer customers towards auto body shops that are less costly to themselves and are less worried about what incentivizes the driver. They choose the shop that will do the job the cheapest – which is not what you ultimately want because the objective is to receive quality work as well.

But what if none of this has anything to do with you, and you just want a hot-looking car with a different, new paint job or perhaps a gorgeous vehicle wrap? We hate to break it to you, but you’re still going to need to avoid getting ripped off or making a bad deal.

Cosmetic repairs are also bait that can fall into this trap. Before you settle on that $3,000 wrap, make sure to check out various companies and compare prices. Also, be cautious of incredibly low prices as the company may not have the necessary experience. If you’re getting a new paint job, make sure the shop is known for this kind of work as the paint job is incredibly important for the value of your car. Look at pictures for both car wraps and paint jobs, in order to determine whether or not the shop knows what it’s doing.

So, what do we learn from all of this? Do your homework online. Outweighing multiple auto body shops on Carfixt can solve most, if not all, of these unfortunate issues and can lead drivers in the right direction – no pun intended.

Gain Trust with More Confidence

Trust is important when choosing a shop, but who do you trust? What shop will do the best job without the auto body work costing an arm and a leg?

Millennial and Gen X car owners are less likely to know who to trust for car repairs. While more than 75% of Baby Boomers have  shops, which they rely on regularly, only about 55% of younger drivers have the same type of relationship.

With an online estimate, you can see reviews and read what other customers are saying. Additionally, the auto body shops are held to a higher standard of accountability knowing that most, if not all, of their customers are reading customer service comments and estimate-related remarks and/or questions.

The more you opt for an online estimate rather than walking into a brick and mortar auto body shop, the more you’ll likely feel at peace and have an overwhelming sense of confidence that your vehicle is in the right hands.


You have nothing to lose by getting an estimate online. Carfixt is an excellent resource that not only saves you time and money, but also expands the possibility of getting multiple fair estimates with a wider reach of various local auto body shops. Why not try something new that solves one of your biggest headaches right now? Avoid going into the wrong auto body shops in person leaving you vulnerable to cosmetic & collision sharks. Make the choice to improve and organize your life with one less load off of your back.