About Us

The Carfixt Team

Carfixt, the first of its kind, was created to bring unprecedented innovation to the auto body repair industry. Its game-changing mission was to assist drivers in search of the most favorable auto body repair estimates with the ease of technology and smart devices. Founded in 2020, the team came together with shared passion and expertise in the technology sector and automotive industry to transform the process of how drivers experience auto body repair. In order to design and create a seamless user experience, the team strategically focused on perfecting and developing Carfixt’s proprietary technology platform for more than 18 months before launching the Company. Today, the Carfixt team’s precision continues with its dedication to being the #1 source for all auto body repair needs.

Matt Wilson is CEO and a co-founder of Carfixt, Inc. Matt spent the past 25 years working closely with, investing in and has been an active board member of numerous successful technology companies and other early-stage ventures; all of which were either acquired, had successful IPOs or are currently on the path to a meaningful

Matt Wilson
Conrad Smith is CTO and a co-founder of Carfixt, Inc. He is responsible for the development and execution of the group’s technology strategy and roadmap. Conrad works closely with customers and technology partners to ensure designs exceed customer expectations and satisfy market requirements. His career has included executive management and senior engineering roles in the

Conrad Smith